Friday, October 21, 2011

A Minor Glitch in the Dailey Matrix

Well, after all that revelatory Saturday evening inspirations, apparently the wine and tequila weighed more on the Muertos than the Dias side of things the following Sunday.  Bad new is, I slipped off the Dailey wagon and missed a day of working out in the studio. I've lost some luster.  Some gusto. Probably a little street cred.  Technically I cannot say I've done 30 consecutive days of Dailey Method this month, because the 12th day was spoiled somewhere between a limited Sunday class schedule and the aftermath of mixing my spirits... Alas.

Lets be realistic shall we?  a) Its not the end of the world b) no need to throw in the towel now, I'm going to keep this Dailey challenge going towards a newly inspired 31 days now and c) eventually I'm going to try it all over again at some point and do consecutive 30 days.  Now, the moment when I slip up is a delicate and precarious point in any workout challenge or diet and it's easy to return to bad habits.  Rally on!

The good news is, I'm human and a determined, optimistic one at that.  So a little bump in the road doesn't mean you trash the whole plan.  Look at the big picture -- 30 days of working out is rad -- even if you miss one.... Let's see the forest for the trees and re-adjust with the grace and poise.    One of the most important things one can learn from any workout challenge is not only how to stay disciplined, but also how to recover from a slip off the plan.  Obviously the competitive nature of my 30 day Dailey goal is a primary reason why I've been getting my butt to so many classes these past two weeks. However lets not forget the more overarching big picture goals of creating more routine and daily structure for health and fitness in my everyday life.  Everyday I'm slowly creating stronger habits for healthier living.  Balance is key in order to maintain a sustainable healthy lifestyle- particularly in the mental approach to making changes!  I'm certainly not going to condemn a social glass of wine or celebratory splash of tequila.  However, if I'm seeking more balance, thoughtful choices are pre-requisite.

Time to gracefully get back on the horse and ride that pony into the sunset.  

Onwards and upwards~


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