Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Day Dailey Wrap Up

On Tuesday, October 4th I embarked upon a personal challenge to take a Dailey Method class every day for 30 consecutive days.  Over the past month, I have attended 30 classes in 36 days!  Not bad considering considering I work 50 hours a week and have an occasional hangover or rainy day blues!

I haven't change my diet at all this month (generally speaking I strive to eat fresh & organic).  Halloween week lots of cheap chocolate was involved.

After five weeks, I have seen considerable changes in my body and while I didn't weigh myself before or today, have gone down a belt notch and have definitely lost body fat.  I feel stronger through my upper body, my back, upper arms, legs and entire mid section.  My muscles are longer and leaner.   Energetically speaking, I still fluctuate - having better days than others and I would love to find a way to better manage fatigue and time management.  I can do push ups on my toes and find myself working harder and deeper in class.

Ultimately I had two objectives.  One big one: to recommit to Dailey Method for a solid month in order to combat perpetual excuses and give back to my body on a daily basis.  One little one: I have a photo shoot scheduled on November 17th for my fitness blog/website/ business cards and well, why not take the month before posing in lycra to work out every day?!

Success in both objectives!

Pick a goal, a work out plan, a nutritional diet, a routine ... whatever it may be and see how a 30 day challenge can get you fired up.  It may not be a perfect run, but hey it's worth it every day.   Allowing for a few slips is probably the best thing I did to complete the month because I simply picked up where I left off rather than disregarding the entire project.

Moving forward, I want to explore other modes of exercise around the bay area (and reporting back to you all of course!)  This being said, I'll can still be found teaching and taking class at the Method 4 days a week.  Why? Because its a bitchin' work out yo - haven't you been reading my blog!?

Onwards and upwards!  Photoshoot pics soon to come ;)

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