Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanking the Bay

Thanks to San Francisco Sailing Company and an almost expired Groupon from last spring, Jeremy and I raced to the pier early last weekend, moments before the boat set sail.  Although we missed the captains speech they graciously allowed us to board (don't worry, he later informed us all the safety rules while pouring us our mimosas)!  The weather stayed sweet and sunny, albeit quite cold, for the two hours we whisked around the bay and out towards the sea.  I have to say, swooning under the Golden Gate, bundled in down jackets and faux fur and each other is an impressive way to spend any sunday morning.  Mimosas of course always add a nice shimmer of celebration to any occasion.   As we crossed through the golden gate into the Pacific Ocean, dolphins greeted us and played along side the boat, while the Marin headlands stood as sentinels, towering over us and glowing in the morning sun.

Experiencing the bay from the sea level reminds me of how lucky we are to be living in such a beautiful place.  I am eternally grateful for San Francisco's colorful terrain, varied landscapes, and quirky perks.    I love this city, this bay, these hills and bridges.

Today is Thanksgiving Day and this morning as we prepare for a parade of food and family and friends, we are baking and exercising our gratitude.  What a special tradition that centers on sharing food and generosity with our loved ones.  Plus its a great excuse to practice baking with our new kitchen aid mixer.

Today we're baking Hazelnut Raspberry Linzer Cookies from Tomas Keller's Ad Hoc cookbook:

  & Baked Pear Clafoutis (Pear Pudding) from  Neil Perry's Good Food:

Good job loving life and eating and living your thanks everyone!

Onwards and upward-


Monday, November 21, 2011

Gimme that Spark

Stobe light! 

Just over the Bay Bridge and tucked into the foot hills of Berkeley, a hot pink sign glitters above the sidewalk with the sprawling words: Hipline. Fitness. Belly Dance.  If you're feeling courageous and push through that pearly glass doorway to follow the filigree lined stairwell to the second floor, you indeed enter into another world.  A world filled with neon and jangles, curves and pop star personalities.  No kidding.

Now, I've never taken a dance fitness class per se, aside from a ballet class in college in which I was forced to laugh myself through to avoid crying.  Coordinated, choreographed dancing in a well lit studio, fully sober can be a slightly intimidating opportunity.  Particularly if you have flashbacks to some traumatizing dance class memory you thought you'd never have to deal with again.  Well, I'm here to tell you, deal with it and get over it at hipline.  Why?  Because you don't have to be a "dancer" you just have to know how to have a good time, and laugh because you're feelin good (not because you're humiliated!)...

I had heard rave reviews about Hipline since I moved to the Bay area two years ago and while I always thought about signing up, I was nervous.  Mirrors+ skinny white girl +hip coordination & looking "sexy" or whatever= maybe next month.  BUT, everyone seemed to be having a fun time there.  I mean, a lot of fun.  The kind of fun that is infections and makes it into their personality and sends a glow around someone.  I wanted that glow.

Enter November.  I am finished with my 30 Day Dailey Challenge and I find myself ready to mix it up a little.  Aside from my sheepishness in a dance class, don't get me wrong, I love love love dancing.  Sometimes, if I'm needing a pick-me-up, I'll blast some music and have a solo dance party.  Although I haven't mastered any break dance moves, some favorite pass times include wedding crashing on the dance floor, lip-syncing, and winding myself with my own spastic dance moves.

Its hard to get into a Hipline classes - I had signed up on a wait list for this class several weeks ago and so when I got the green light last night that I had gotten into the class I had no excuse.  I have to admit, when I trudged my sleepy wheels across the Bay Bridge to make it to Deb's early morning class in the cold, dreary morning mist, the last thing I could imagine was having a dance party to LMFAO and Beyonce.  I told myself dancing will warm me up. Dancing is fun. I love fun.

What I wasn't prepared for was however, was the fact that I was entering the best hour of my week, and perhaps the most fun work out of my life.  For the next hour, fumbling behind several rows of women, I jumped into a wild, hot, calorie-burning dance party.

Although I can't say I was the most coordinated or graceful, soon I just didn't care what I looked like because no one cared.  There was no right, no wrong, no do-overs or judgmental furrowed-browed perfectionists.

The tenor, energy and choreography of the class was led by a fabulous, belting, leaping, pounding, howling, lounging and swooning dancer named Deb, and I am in awe of her.  Not only does she (like most dancers) make the moves look easy, but somehow she her manor of teaching is so disarming and inviting that it seems that anyone could booty grind along.  As if the secret to becoming a world-class MTV dancer would really just be about having a good time.  Well, hell, I can do that.

I forgot how important it is to sweat, to breath like you mean it, to feel your bones and muscles expand with power and energy.  Every woman in the room was howling with laughter.  Soon, as my bangs were glued to my forehead and my pants pushed up around my thighs, panting and grinning, I realized why Deb's classes were so hard to get into.  I wanted what each woman moving next to me wanted. I wanted that spark.  A spark is different than a twinkle or glimmer.  A spark is hot and bright and brief, but igniting.   That charge of life that permeated the small mirrored room under a little disco ball. Most women in that room were not "dancers" and we followed in hopes and efforts to capture a bit of that spark that lights Deb up from the inside out.

Wrapped in an inspired glow, I followed the filigree down the stairwell to the street after class with a newfound exhilarating discovery here on the Eastern edge of the bridge.  Hipline's a gem and I cannot wait until the bruises on my feet go down so I can elbow my way back into that jangle of shimmy pop madness.

Until next time! Hup Hup stay low, stay looooww! Breathe!


Marin Morning

I spent a lovely morning in Marin teaching a semi-private class today.  It was pouring outside in Mill Valley, but we stayed nice and toasty by the fire as we worked it up an inch and down an inch.

We enjoyed an amazing brunch afterwards, prepared by Galen (I suppose it was a worthy excuse to not take my class -- that and documenting it all!)

All in all, Jeremy, Kristin, Carly, Galen and I enjoyed a great workout, great food, and fabulous company.  I'm so happy to have such a healthy, invigorating and relaxing excuse to get together each Sunday!  Plus we all get to gush over Kristin's belly!    I have to say Microbaby did some incredible ab work today :)  Damn girl - you get down!

Friday, November 11, 2011

What's at the Market?

Its a California fall and here's a colorful look at what the farmer's market is brewing up in the sunshine!

30 Day Dailey Wrap Up

On Tuesday, October 4th I embarked upon a personal challenge to take a Dailey Method class every day for 30 consecutive days.  Over the past month, I have attended 30 classes in 36 days!  Not bad considering considering I work 50 hours a week and have an occasional hangover or rainy day blues!

I haven't change my diet at all this month (generally speaking I strive to eat fresh & organic).  Halloween week lots of cheap chocolate was involved.

After five weeks, I have seen considerable changes in my body and while I didn't weigh myself before or today, have gone down a belt notch and have definitely lost body fat.  I feel stronger through my upper body, my back, upper arms, legs and entire mid section.  My muscles are longer and leaner.   Energetically speaking, I still fluctuate - having better days than others and I would love to find a way to better manage fatigue and time management.  I can do push ups on my toes and find myself working harder and deeper in class.

Ultimately I had two objectives.  One big one: to recommit to Dailey Method for a solid month in order to combat perpetual excuses and give back to my body on a daily basis.  One little one: I have a photo shoot scheduled on November 17th for my fitness blog/website/ business cards and well, why not take the month before posing in lycra to work out every day?!

Success in both objectives!

Pick a goal, a work out plan, a nutritional diet, a routine ... whatever it may be and see how a 30 day challenge can get you fired up.  It may not be a perfect run, but hey it's worth it every day.   Allowing for a few slips is probably the best thing I did to complete the month because I simply picked up where I left off rather than disregarding the entire project.

Moving forward, I want to explore other modes of exercise around the bay area (and reporting back to you all of course!)  This being said, I'll can still be found teaching and taking class at the Method 4 days a week.  Why? Because its a bitchin' work out yo - haven't you been reading my blog!?

Onwards and upwards!  Photoshoot pics soon to come ;)

Matcha Tea kind of day

With a rainy day like today, I was in a tea mood.

Although not quite as simple as opening a tea pack, making a delicious cup of Macha green tea this dreary afternoon was worth the extra step. Matcha is a finely ground Japanese green tea which has been used in traditional tea ceremonies for centuries.  It has such a smooth and rich flavor, plus because it requires a whisk to prepare it, the outcome is an almost frothy texture.  Matcha is extraordinarily healthy because you inject the entire leaf, not just the brewed water.    Matcha buffs tout its holistic properties of boosting energy levels and metabolism even while its calming.  Its a more sustainable energy that doesn't burn out or get you jittery.  Plus it contains tons of antioxidants for fighting cancer & viruses.  According, "One glass of Matcha is the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content."  

.... not bad Matcha Super Tea

To start, you'll need about a teaspoon of Japanese finely ground Matcha tea, a whisk, & hot water:

We picked up a bamboo whisk (called a chasen) at a Nijiya, a Japanese grocery store in Japantown in order to get that unique texture (fork whisking just doesn't cut it people).

If you like, add some honey and almond milk for added sweetness

Place about a teaspoon of Matcha into a small bowl

Whisking a teaspoon of the Matcha tea in a bowl with a little boiling water helps to break up some of the clumps in the tea.

Then add a little honey, almond milk (optional of course, but really tasty) and whip some more hot water quickly.

Since Matcha tea boosts your metabolism, this fine tea actually burns calories.  Now hows that for a rainy day!

Cheers!    :)