Saturday, October 8, 2011

Practice What I Preach: a 30 Day Dailey Challenge

The goal: 30 consecutive days of Dailey Method.

Let me preface this by saying I am a Dailey Method Instructor and I do not take a Dailey Method class every day.  In fact, I try for a minimum of four times a week, but often times my other jobs get in the way, which to say the least is frustrating - not to mention at odds with my teaching practice.  Like most people, I go through ups and downs with my consistency of working out, however, I'd like that to change for the better.  Thus I propose a this challenge to myself...

Let me also say, every freakin' Bikram-loving yogi friend I have ever known has done some sort of 30-day challenge.  Their name is written in bright blue magic marker on some community yoga board in a steamy studio somewhere, and they arrive ready to sweat their butts off everyday just to see their name march forward on the giant calendar towards day 30.    To note, for me personally, I think Bikram is quite possibly one of the most ridiculously hard, unpleasant, tourettes-inducing forms of exercise I have ever endured.  That being said if they can do it, Dailey Methies (operatively me) can be challenged for a month just as fiercely!

SO, as you can see, I'm already off to a stellar start as it is Tuesday, October 4th when I begin this personal challenge... Apparently I had a bit of a rocky start, mid-week and slightly shy of the beginning of the month, but hey, better late than never (Mondays and first-of-the-months are over rated anyway- right?).

Here's the plan - for the next month, I will spend an hour a day working courageously on my transverse abdominal engagement and perfecting my plank amidst the trademark Dailey Method neon green and orange hues and catchy electronica mixes.    I have always said, the hardest part of a work out is showing up.   This 30-day challenge has more to do with personal discipline and time management than anything else.  So this month is about making my personal health and fitness a bigger priority in my daily routine, even if that means making sacrifices like going to bed earlier (gasp!),  procrastinating less and or even sticking to my schedule and getting up before 9am (more dramatic gasp!!).

While I don't ever expect to see a giant calendar grid lining any Dailey Method walls with colored name tags tracking attendance in order to win some prize after a month, I do believe prizes are in store for any one who were to try this kind of challenge...  the real reward comes like Christmas morning when one day you spot that little shadow under your tricep or notice the muscles under your shoulders blades when you open a door.  Or how about when you discover a new line the middle of your quadriceps or sweet lord you uncover your obliques along side your belly (even if you have to stand at a funny angle in a very certain light!)  Hallelujah!  Superficial or not, someone once asked me "how long have you been dancer?" and I  might as well have just started crying right then because dear lord, if anyone saw me in Ballet that one quarter in college. Yikes... The point is, nothing beats working hard and feeling your body change and get stronger and healthier, even if its just a little at a time.   It makes any sacrifice worth it!

How I'll make it happen:  
- Make a schedule and stick to it.  Google Calendar and my Blackberry are my friends and each day I have my class "penciled" in (sometimes two so I have a back up if my day is crazy busy) .
- Get better sleep, that means a full 8 hours for me personally (yes, I must sacrifice that extra episode of Mad Men via Netflix).
- Tell people about my goal so they can help me stay committed
- Work out with friends, meet me there!
- Buy a watch

- Take classes all over the city/Bay Area and meet new teachers, learn new teachin' tricks, and pick up new cool music
- Track my 30-day challenge with my new fitness blog: Water and Wine Wellness
- Be ready for a photo shoot in a month - new blog photos folks!
- Display 30 disciplined, Dailey Method loving days!

I encourage you all to pick a class or fitness challenge and make a month of it -- no matter what day of the month it is -- better late than never!

Feel free to join me in a class or come take one of my classes!
I teach:
Thursdays in Piedmont (11:00 & 12:15)
Fridays in Berkeley (4:15 & 5:00)
Alt. Saturdays in Berkeley (2:45 & 4:00)

Tuesdays in the Mission (8:30 & 9:45)

Go team go!

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