Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lulu Shimmy Pops

This morning I had another fabulous dose of some sparkle Shimmy Pop Hipline goodness.  Every month Lululemon offers community events on weekend mornings and today they got the Elmwood streets-a-shakin' to the sweet beats of Beyonce, Niki Minaj and Pitbull.  I am always amazed at how these classes come together.  As a fitness instructor, I am constantly trying to find ways to make my class fun, energized, challenging and creative... I want my clients to walk away thinking, I can't believe I laughed that much and still had my ass kicked!  This morning I was reminded of Deb's uncanny ability to do just that.

At 8:30am, about 15 sleepy, somewhat nervous and excitable ladies gathered in the open front room of Lululemon in Berkeley.  Then another 5 women show up... quickly filling the colorful room. We shuffled around,trying to find our little dance corners, politely trying to not take up too much space or be too close to anyone.  Cue Sean Paul... Deb springs to action and brings it all together... The trajectory of these early morning hip hop dance classes seem to start with the same slightly timid, sleepy dance moves, awkwardly thrown about, a sideway glance here and there.  "Am I totally off beat? Yes. I must look rediculous, I can't see the teacher, I am trying to get it perfect, ugh failing!"  The pace picks up, the blood gets flowin and then well, once you start sweating bullets and belly laughing, something shifts.  All the sudden, the "workout" barrier between near strangers in a room starts to fade and you realize, we're all here to have a morning dance party, and what could be more fun that a little booty slappin and dropin down low before 10am? eh eh?

All of the sudden, a room full  of grown women are hooting and singing out of breath, ripping their t-shirts off and doin some supafine "spinal unjulations."  You get so tired at min 45, you can barely lift your knees but you can't stop because you're just having too much fun.  At one point, since I was at the back and couldn't see any of the choreography (not that I was doing a very good job following it anyway), I happily resigned to having my own freestyle dance party of my own choreography in the storefront window.  I'm sure the drivers and bikers at the College and Ashby stop light enjoyed the show.

After the last song ends, we strike a pose, and there is a tangible surge of energy in the room.  Its like every woman is the hottest dancer, gleaming with sweat and ready to be best friends with everyone.  We stand in line, patiently waiting to hug and thank Deb...all thinking, how can I get more of that wild, hilarious vibrant sparkle into my life everyday.

Thanks for another inspiring class -- I'll be sure to make reservations well in advance to save a spot at Hipline to keep reminding myself how good I feel after an hour of Shimmy Pop -- I recommend you do the same!



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The 300 Burn

So, I just learned that a pilates session will burn anywhere from 300-400 calories... Dailey Method looks like around 200 - 300-- which is great, even though it really just equates to about  an english muffin and a couple of berries.  Woohoo!  Well, if you're looking for quick weight loss, pilates or Dailey Method aren't always the quickest to sweat the pounds away.  To put it most simply, weight loss results from burning more calories than you consume.  

That being said, the magic of these workouts comes from the deeper changes of the musculature, metabolism and overall shape and tone of your body.  Your metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories) increases with muscle mass. Specifically, as you increase your lean body mass/fat ratio, your muscles will continue burning calories for you long after your hour long workout.  Aerobic exercise on the other hand, while is pumps the heart up, causes a good ole' rompus sweat, doesn't do that.  

Long story short, if you're looking for a weight loss plan, Dailey Method and pilates should be coupled with a diet plan (still gotta count those calories).   Smaller, more frequent meals can help keep one's metabolism reved up without feeling like you're depriving yourself to much.  Rest assured, the other countless benefits from doing such deep core and full body toning, include: 
- Improved posture (that longer leaner look and feel!)
- Improved balance & alignment
- Tighter, more toned shape of your entire body
- Increased flexibility
- Better joint control and mobility

Fyi - what your work out equates to in food calories!  
Breakfast – 290 Calories
1 whole wheat English muffin
2 pats low fat butter
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 cup of fruit
8 oz fruit juice
8 oz water

Cereal – 300 Calories
1 cup of cereal
8 oz 2% milk
1 banana
1 coffee or tea

Baked potato – 305 Calories
1 medium baked potato
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons salsa
1 cup sliced melon
12 oz water

Oatmeal – 325 Calories
1 cup oatmeal with raisins
1 cup of fruit
1 cup coffee or tea
1 banana

Soup – 350 Calories
1 bowl of soup
1 small tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz water
4 saltine crackers

Chicken – 345 Calories
6 oz of chicken
1 cup of green beans
2 pats of low-fat butter
1 small tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz water

Chicken Salad – 350 Calories
1 large tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
6 oz sliced chicken
1 cup of low fat wheat thin crackers
12 oz water

Scrambled eggs – 360 Calories
2 scrambled eggs
2 strips of turkey bacon
1 piece whole wheat toast
1 pat of low fat butter
1 coffee or tea
8 oz water

Fish – 365 Calories
6 oz broiled white fish
1 cup of mashed potatoes
1 pat of butter
1/2 cup of peas
8 oz diet iced tea

Chicken and Rice – 395 Calories
6 oz cooked chicken
2 tablespoons of barbecue sauce
1 cup of mixed vegetables
1/2 cup of brown rice
1 small tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz water

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Come one, Come all!  You know you want your own customizable tie-die attire.  I seriously wear my two scarves almost everyday! We had a lovely afternoon at Alamo Square Park modeling for Nurse Rachel's Tie Die!  Thank you for all for making this happen!
Check her amazing goods out at her Etsy page:
Photography by Kim Bartel  photography
Models: Autumn Gray Burrell, Kai Mekonnen, Kristin Burrell, & me :)

 Nurse Rachel herself! So beautiful!